Make Me Blush

If you've been following along over the past few days, you may have noticed a pattern. I like to keep it SIMPLE when it comes to the make up routine. I'm a mom, a business owner, a venerable chicken with it's head cut off...I need to look awake & it needs to happen FAST. Since that's the case, most products have to double or triple duty to make the cut. Enter: Convertibles.

A "convertible" is a product (in this case, a creme) that can do two things very well (in this case blush and lip color). I'm a huge fan of stila cosmeticsConvertible Color and NARS Cosmetics Multiples. Both are incredibly pigmented but beautifully blendable to provide a gorgeous, sheer wash of color wherever they're needed. It's an easy technique that anyone can do! Just tap onto cheeks and press onto lips for a fast makeup fix anytime. If you're a fan of my bridal artistry page Something You...Make Up Artistryyou're likely to see it on every single face that graces the pages.

My favorite stila cosmetics color is Lillium, hands down. It's so easy to wear an works across all seasons. Get it here: or at Frends Beauty!

If you're a NARS Cosmetics fan, go here and check out the stunning shade selection in stick form. My favorite is 413BLKR, which is perfect for the holidays!

‪#‎stilacosmetics‬ ‪#‎narsissist‬ ‪#‎frendswithbenefits‬ ‪#‎dfwmakeupandhair‬
